To make up for the lack of interesting things in my life at the moment, I've decided to share some photos around Beida campus. This is my room (in its natural, i.e. messy, state):
That's Nobu watching 24 on his laptop. For the past 2 days, I've not walked into the room and not found Nobu watching 24 oh his laptop. I figure if the season is 24 hours long he'll be done by tomorrow morning.
This is my building - Shao Yuan Building 3.
I bought a bike a couple weeks ago. They say if your bike isn't stolen in the first couple of weeks, chances are pretty good that it will be stolen in the next couple of weeks. After that you're supposed to be safe though. I never have trouble finding my bike since it's the biggest one in all of Beijing:
The mini-mart where I buy groceries:
"No Name Lake" in the northern part of campus (that really is its name):
Random-ass Cervantes statue:
hiya cliff~
i just wanted to say that i am still enjoying reading your entries in a totally non-creepy way. the bike is fantastic! how did you find nobu? i think i may be in jukay's current room, if all works out okay ..
hi, today i just surfing net looking for Shaoyuan building,. i dont know your blog still active or not as I saw no update so far,. I miss the building actually,. I used to live there and talking about bicycle,. you are lucky ,. i lost in only for 1 week :)
anyway i want to ask if you know Shaoyuan still be there? i plan to visit Beida very soon!!
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